Expediency; arbitrary enforcement which is based on calculations around private gain
Heavy-handed approach. Non-consultative
Boundaries of political decision making
Strong legislature, engaged executive
Devolution to the regions
Highly expedient. Mediated by political and commercial interests.
Concentrated within the executive, which maintains close links to external actors.
Mediated by private/clique interests
Legislature largely pliant to the executive
Global Finance
Investments in light manufacturing and in developing agro-business and service industries
Large quantities of FDI flow in to take advantage of liberalized regimes and newly discovered mineral resources for extraction.
Flocks in at the beginning to take advantage of liberalization regimes in place
As stability looks increasingly remote, investment begins to withdraw
Discouraged, tackled vigorously
Rampant within corridors of power. Tolerated to a large degree.
As national situation becomes more critical, increases
Rampant and largely unchecked. A key driving force
Their presence is critical to the success of the transition.
Underwrite a number of the programmes implemented
Donors pay for social programmes and some of the structural adjustment emerging from the liberalization process
Investors flock in take advantage of opportunities
Initially available, supporting social investments and infrastructure. Increasingly reduce as regime becomes less tolerant and as domestic donor concerns gain greater priority